Welcome to Vital You Functional Medicine
Optimize Your Health and improve Your Life With Personalized Holistic Care
Rediscover The Vital You.
For those who are tired of not feeling their best, have bothersome daily symptoms, are living with chronic illness, or have a history of cancer, it’s time to explore a better avenue for healthcare.
Here at Vital You, we believe in helping people experience a more personalized care process so they can take ownership of their healing. We’ll concentrate on focused patient education and personalized holistic care to promote healing from the inside out and the rediscovery of true vitality.
The Functional Medicine Difference
The driving force behind functional medicine is the idea that medical care should facilitate our body’s natural ability to heal. Conventional medicine has a bad habit of only treating presenting symptoms and being driven by pharmaceuticals.
In functional medicine, we treat symptoms as merely an indicator of a deeper, more complex problem that must be addressed rather than ignored. We must investigate further into the patient’s lifestyle, genetics, medical history, and comprehensive lab testing in order to draw out those deeper catalysts of presenting illness.

"Have you ever been to a conventional healthcare provider, exasperated over a chronic illness, and thought to yourself, ‘There’s simply no way this person understands what I’m going through?’
So have I.”
– Melissa Trotman, CRNP
Melissa is the functional medicine provider here at Vital You, and she has over 25 years of experience caring for patients. Like you, she found there to be a lack of holistic and comprehensive care and too few healthcare providers who truly listen to their patients.
She believes the focus should be on helping patients understand the connection between how they live their life and their health. From nutrition and gut health to relationships and stress management, it’s all connected to our overall health and wellness.
“My extensive education in Functional Medicine has given me the foundation to empower patients to discover wellness and vitality the same way I have.”
Is Functional Medicine The Right Path For You?

You’re looking for an experienced guide to help you overcome decision fatigue that comes with a serious diagnosis such as breast cancer.

How It Works At Vital You Functional Medicine