Fun Facts about Kefir

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You may have heard that fermented foods are good for gut and immune health. They’re chock full of naturally occurring probiotics to support your microbiome and more! 

But most people don’t consume too many fermented foods—beyond yogurt. 

One of my favorites is kefir.

Kefir is similar to yogurt because it’s also made from milk, but it’s more of a drink and has a little more punch to the flavor. 

Here are a few fun facts about kefir:

Kefir is made by adding kefir grains (rich in healthy lactic acid-producing bacteria) to milk and allowing it to sit for 24 hours.

Nondairy forms of kefir can be made from coconut water, coconut milk, or nut milk.

Kefir contains a wider variety of probiotics than yogurt.

Kefir is low in lactose (because the lactose is broken down during fermentation). 

You can buy kefir in the dairy section or easily make it at home!

If kefir is new to you, give it a try! Then shoot me a message to let me know what you think. 

Your microbiome will thank you. 

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Melissa Trotman, owner of Vital You Functional Medicine based in Annapolis, Maryland, talking with a patient about their chronic symptoms, lifestyle, and treatment options within functional medicine and her practice.