Calorie Restriction & Aging

Some people believe calorie restriction will help them live longer because it works for laboratory mice, worms, and flies.  But now?  🎉 We finally have research in humans!! The study was done at Yale University with 200 volunteers. For the 2-year study, some participants were asked to restrict their usual caloric intake by 14% while […]

More Protein, Fewer Fractures?

Hip fractures pose a significant risk to women with osteoporosis and can lead to long-term consequences. However, a recent study published in Clinical Nutrition sheds light on a potential preventive measure – increasing protein intake. The study analyzed data from the UK Women’s Cohort, including women aged 35-69 years, over a 15-year period. Data collection […]

Elevate Your Energy Levels with B Vitamins: Tapping into the Energy Amplifiers

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining optimal energy levels isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity for staying on top of your game. Amidst the myriad of strategies to combat fatigue, there’s one powerhouse solution often overlooked: the energizing prowess of B vitamins. These tiny nutrients wield immense power in our body’s energy production, and in this […]

Supplements for Natural Mood Support

While the world often seems enamored by quick pharmaceutical fixes, natural approaches to improving mood aren’t given their rightful due. Instead of relying solely on prescriptions to manage mood-related issues, incorporating healthier lifestyle choices and targeted nutritional supplements can have profound benefits. It may even provide the mood support you’ve been seeking all along. Understanding […]

5 Habits to Avoid for Better Sleep

Woman sleeping

From maintaining high energy levels to promoting mental clarity, the importance of quality sleep cannot be overstated. Sleep is the backbone of our overall well-being and is crucial for weight management. However, many unknowingly indulge in certain habits that sabotage our good night’s sleep. Do you do any of these 5 things that could be […]

Power of Chamomile Tea

Do racing thoughts keep you up at night, making a good night’s sleep an elusive dream? If so, you’re not alone. Sleep can be elusive for many, often due to an overactive mind and persistent worries. This post is crafted precisely for those seeking tranquility in the depths of the night. Our minds respond to […]

How Does Omega-6 Affect Your Metabolic Health?

Food supplement oil filled fish oil, omega 3, omega 6, omega 9, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, flaxseed oil.

Is your metabolism losing its youthful vigor? Are you noticing a gradual weight gain or a decline in your energy levels? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then today’s blog post is tailor-made for you. The Twin Culprits of Aging Metabolism Before delving into the latest evidence-based research, it’s crucial to understand […]

Lavender Essential Oil for Restful Sleep

Are you struggling to get a peaceful night’s sleep? You’re not alone. Lavender essential oil is one such remedy that has shown promising results in improving sleep. We all want a rejuvenating sleep that prepares us for the challenges of the next day, and while there are countless products that promise better sleep, it’s always […]

Optimizing Physical Health for Better Sleep

Are you tired of hearing about the importance of sleep for your overall health? It’s true that a good night’s rest is vital, but have you ever considered that your daytime activities and habits play a crucial role in ensuring you get the quality sleep you need? Here’s how you can optimize your physical health […]