Looking to Improve Blood Sugar Regulation? Here Are 5 Non-Food Ways to Support It!

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Have you ever stopped to wonder what, aside from your morning oatmeal or your favorite fruit, can impact your blood sugar regulation? Most of us know that diet plays a crucial role, but did you know that many other aspects of your lifestyle are just as influential in maintaining those levels?

Today, we’re diving into some powerful non-food approaches to support healthy blood sugar balance. This isn’t just about the occasional gym session or skipping sugary drinks—it’s about integrating positive habits that can make a real difference in your well-being.

Daily Movement
Move it to manage it! Engaging in regular physical activity isn’t just about burning calories; it’s about enhancing your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar. When you exercise, your cells become more sensitive to insulin, the hormone that helps sugar move from your blood into your cells. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a dance class, or a bike ride, find an activity that gets you moving and that you enjoy.

Walks After Meals
A stroll for sugar control. Heading out for a light walk after eating can be an excellent strategy for managing blood sugar levels. Studies suggest that a 15-minute walk post-meal can help blunt blood sugar spikes. Plus, it’s a great way to digest and enjoy some fresh air!

7+ Hours of Sleep
Snooze to regulate glucose. Never underestimate the power of a good night’s rest! Sleep deprivation can disrupt the hormones involved in blood sugar control. Striving to achieve at least seven hours per night can aid in keeping those levels stable, ensuring you’re ready to tackle the day with balanced energy.

Plenty of Water
Hydration for health. Drinking ample water is beneficial for numerous reasons, and supporting blood sugar balance is one of them. Adequate hydration helps your kidneys to flush out excess sugar through urine. Plus, opting for water instead of sugary drinks can aid in reducing unnecessary sugar intake.

Stress Management
Calm the mind to calm blood sugar. Stress has a direct impact on blood sugar levels, thanks to hormones like cortisol that increase glucose. Managing stress through yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises isn’t just good for your mind—it also helps maintain healthier blood sugar levels.

Emphasize the Holistic Approach
By looking at all aspects of our lives, we start to see health in a different light. Being active, sleeping well, staying hydrated, and keeping stress at bay are not just boxes to tick—they’re part of a full, vibrant life that naturally supports balanced blood sugar levels.

We’ve journeyed through some key non-food strategies to start incorporating to better regulate your blood sugar: get moving, walk after you eat, prioritize sleep, stay hydrated, and manage stress.

These changes might seem small on their own, but together, they can have a significant impact on your blood sugar and overall health.

Book a call today to start your journey to a more vital and healthier you!

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Are Low-Carb Diets Missing Essential Nutrients?

In recent years, low-carb diets have surged in popularity as a means to lose weight and improve overall health. Cutting out carbohydrates, however, doesn’t come without its risks. A recent study raises concerns over potential nutrient depletions as a consequence of adhering to low-carb eating plans, especially concerning some B vitamins and magnesium. This poses the question: Are you missing out on essential nutrients while following a low-carb diet? Essential Nutrients Potentially Lacking in Low-Carb Diets The study in question found that individuals on low-carb diets might not be getting enough of certain critical nutrients, including thiamine (vitamin B1), iron, calcium, magnesium, and selenium. These nutrients play vital roles in bodily functions, and their deficiency can lead to serious health issues. Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is crucial for energy production and nerve function. The study observed lower red blood cell levels of this vitamin in those following low-carb diets.Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. Low levels of magnesium were more common among the participants on a low-carb diet. Implications of Nutrient Depletion The findings of nutrient depletions raise concerns about the long-term sustainability and health implications of low-carb diets. While these diets can offer short-term benefits such as weight loss and improved blood sugar control, it’s crucial to consider the potential nutritional shortfalls. Nutrient deficiencies can lead to a range of health issues, including weakened bones, fatigue, and immune system impairment, to name a few. Making Low-Carb Diets Safer This is not to say that low-carb diets are inherently bad or that they should be avoided altogether. When done correctly and under the guidance of a knowledgeable healthcare practitioner, low-carb diets can be part of a healthy lifestyle. The key is to approach them with awareness and care: Consult a Healthcare Practitioner: Before making significant dietary changes, especially ones that involve restricting whole groups of foods, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare practitioner who has a deep understanding of nutrition and metabolism. Focus on Nutrient-Dense Foods: Prioritize low-carb foods that are high in the nutrients that might otherwise be lacking. For example, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and certain fish can provide vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. Consider Supplementation: In some cases, supplementation might be necessary to meet your nutrient needs. However, this should be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider to ensure appropriateness and avoid potentially harmful interactions or overdoses. While low-carb diets can offer benefits for weight loss and metabolic health, it’s essential to be mindful of potential nutrient depletions. By understanding the risks and taking steps to mitigate them through careful food selection and professional guidance, individuals can ensure their low-carb lifestyle is both effective and nutritionally balanced.


Could Ignoring Your Brain Health Be Holding You Back?

In the landscape of modern healthcare, there’s a critical area often overlooked: brain health. Despite its glaring significance in overall well-being, it rarely receives the spotlight in discussions on health and wellness strategies. This oversight could be drastically limiting the effectiveness of our approaches to healing and health maintenance It’s essential to recognize the brain’s pivotal role in orchestrating a wide array of physiological processes. From triggering hormone cascades that regulate our energy levels, sleep patterns, and stress responses, to managing hunger cues, metabolism, and digestion, the brain’s influence is far-reaching. Yet, the conversation about health typically centers on addressing visible and specific health issues, from dietary adjustments for physical fitness to interventions for chronic diseases. While these are undoubtedly important, this approach can be likened to treating the symptoms without addressing the underlying cause. For a holistic healing process, a more profound understanding and acknowledgment of the body’s interconnected systems are necessary – starting with the brain. The Overlooked Pillar of Health The benefits of brain health extend beyond cognitive function and neural efficiency. A well-nourished and fit brain is the foundation upon which the rest of the body thrives. Its health determines the effectiveness of our body’s responses to various stimuli, including how we metabolize food, how we process emotional stress, and how we regulate our sleep cycles. Despite its critical role, the conversation on brain health is often conspicuously absent in standard healthcare paradigms. This gap not only signifies a lack of holistic treatment but also a missed opportunity for prevention and early intervention in various health issues directly or indirectly tied to brain function. The Path Forward Addressing this gap requires a shift in how we perceive and talk about health. It’s about prioritizing brain health equally alongside other aspects of wellness. This can materialize through various actions such as advocating for more awareness on the subject, incorporating brain health into routine health check-ups, and educating on lifestyle choices that directly benefit brain function. Moreover, individuals have the power to influence their brain health through deliberate lifestyle choices. Nutrition plays a crucial role, with certain diets showing promising effects on cognitive function and emotional well-being. Similarly, regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress management techniques, and mental exercises like puzzles or learning a new language can significantly impact brain health. Integration is Key The journey toward optimal health is complex and multifaceted, encompassing physical, emotional, and mental well-being. As we navigate this path, integrating an understanding of the brain’s central role in health and healing is essential. By doing so, we can unlock a more comprehensive and effective approach to wellness that considers the interconnectedness of our bodily systems. In conclusion, the omission of brain health from the broader health discourse is a significant oversight that needs rectification. As the control center of the body, ensuring the health of the brain could catalyze a transformative shift in how we achieve and maintain overall well-being. It’s time for a paradigm shift that recognizes the brain’s paramount importance, potentially revolutionizing our approach to health and healing.

Are you ready to optimize your health and improve your life?

Book a discovery call to see if Functional Medicine is the right path for you. Or, learn more about our services.

Melissa Trotman, owner of Vital You Functional Medicine based in Annapolis, Maryland, talking with a patient about their chronic symptoms, lifestyle, and treatment options within functional medicine and her practice.