Goji Berries for Vision

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I always love when I come across a health research article that gives an actual and actionable takeaway that I can put into action right away. The latest?

Goji berries support healthy vision and might combat the risk of age-related macular degeneration. 

That’s pretty awesome because macular degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss in older adults. It affects the central field of vision and can affect the ability to read or recognize faces

This was a small study (only 27 participants), but the results were pretty empowering. 

• Those who ate a handful of dried goji berries 5 times a week for 90 days increased the density of lutein and zeaxanthin in their eyes.  

• Those who took a commercial vision supplement instead of eating the berries did not see the same improvement. 

Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants concentrated in the retina that filter out harmful blue light and protect the eyes during aging.  

This study does not prove that goji berries actually prevent macular degeneration, but it does show that they boost the retinal pigments that are protective against it. 

Goji berries are a popular ingredient in Chinese soups and herbal teas, but they can also be eaten like raisins as a snack. If you can’t find them at the regular grocery, check a Chinese market and stock up!

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Melissa Trotman, owner of Vital You Functional Medicine based in Annapolis, Maryland, talking with a patient about their chronic symptoms, lifestyle, and treatment options within functional medicine and her practice.